Personal Coaching & Training Programs

UPDATE: Singapore Open Enduro Training Plans now available on Trainingpeaks!


RAW Epics is now offering ready-made training programs for the budding enduro mountain biker in you. And just in time for the Singapore Open Enduro (SOE for short).

RAW Epics’ Trainingpeaks web page is now online, and offers the first two training programs tailored specifically for SOE racers: 6-week regimes that incorporate various types of riding – focusing on skills, endurance, speed/power, and trail tactics – with core conditioning/cross training and recovery… that will put you on the start line of SOE, fitter and readier than ever to shred at race-pace.

Choose from either the Basic (outdoor road and trail riding) or Prime (combination of outdoor road and trail riding, as well as indoor cycling studio interval training) Plans, and build up to the 30 June showcase of Singapore’s best off-road riding trails.

The Singapore Open Enduro is something that should not be taken lightly. With the proper training and preparation afforded by optimized coaching and skills imparted from experienced, professional, and race-proven coaching and instructing, both body and mind will be up to the challenge of tackling the entire SOE course. Realize your full potential today with a RAW Epics SOE-specific training program, or ask about our custom, personalized training programs.

Program author: Wilson Low

Coming soon to our Trainingpeaks: 10-week SOE-specific training program; 3-week foundation MTB training program. More options, more versatility, and no more excuses not to be at your best!

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